Good Ol' Fashioned Street Buskin'

So today my new friend Kay and I did some street performing at Lincoln Square yesterday.  And what great luck!  There was actually a street festival happening, which meant more people to listen to us.  While we're currently looking into getting a street performance license (I promise!), I was wondering if maybe we should play somewhere away from the more "official" booths and performers. 

But what I love about Kay is his extreme boldness (see earlier post).  He just finds a spot right in the middle of the action and starts setting up his congas.  I said something like, "Shouldn't we maybe ask these vendors around us if this is okay?"  He replied, "Nah, the more questions you ask, the more complicated things get."  Ok then.  Not my normal philosophy, but whatever.

Some highlights of our time were lots of dancing kids and a particular young man who was VERY interested in my saxophone, for an entire two songs (see pic below).  May we all be as inquisitive in life as this guy!

We played a couple of hours until it started to rain.  Then we split up and said, "Until next time."  Who knows when that will be, but I hope pretty soon.