I Hate Commuting! Well...actually...no, I don't.

As some of you may know, I do a fair amount of commuting throughout the week.  I've already spoken here of my many "L" rides to gigs throughout the city, and the small books I like to carry in my coat pocket at all times (you can read that post here: http://derekbrownsax.com/home/blog/a-novel-idea).  

Today, though, I want to talk about my other form of commuting: driving in Chicago traffic.  For those of you that can feel your blood pressure begin to rise at just the mention of those last two words, I'm sorry, but I have to bring it up.  Since October, I've been driving twice each week to the suburban town of Wheaton, IL to teach private lessons at a place called Jerry Evans School of Music.  

When I tell other musicians about my teaching in Wheaton, I often get looks of slight pity saying, "Yikes, that's a long way."  And yeah, if I am teaching one or two lessons and have to drive 1.5 hours BOTH ways one day, it feel VERY long!  I do have to admit that I frequently found myself mid-traffic jam, counting the months until I might end this employment.

However, I'm now very happy to report that three things have completely reversed my thoughts on this:

1. Since beginning my teaching in October with only 3 students, I am now up to 12 or 13 students, so about 6 or 7 students each day.  As you could maybe imagine, this is INFINITELY better than 2 or 1 each day.  In fact, this means that I am now actually spending more time teaching than driving to and from.  Always a plus!

2. With help from local Chicagoans, including Jerry at the school, as well as traffic apps, I'm now able to cut the driving time down to between 50-65 minutes on average.  And as you can imagine, this is WAY better than 1.5 hours, or the occasional 2 hours (Ugh!!!).  The biggest secret here is really no secret at all: don't drive during rush hour, fool!  And in Chicago, rush hour is fairly lengthy, going until around 7pm.  Therefore, if I'm done with lessons at 5:45pm, I'll now definitely bring my sax and practice at the shop, which really isn't much different from practicing at home.  

3. Like my book-reading on public transit, I'm now way more productive during my driving!  Yes, I know some of you may be rolling your eyes again on this last point, thinking: 'Geesh, Derek, you don't ALWAYS have to be productive all the dang time!  But let me say, it's not productivity like calling business partners and checking the Dow Jones my Bluetooth headset.  I love doing one of three things (not including my love of making lists of three things, like in this post):  1. Listening to new CDs I've checked out from the library (Lately I've been in a hip-hop phase), 2. listening to podcasts (nerdy NPR ones like "This American Life," "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me," and "Start-up"), and 3. my new favorite: improving my time feel.

This last one is the nerdiest of them all.  Here's a brief explanation of my last two trips to Wheaton for an example:  

I turn on my iPhone metronome app to 4/4 time.  Then I spend the next hour patting 3-against-4 rhythms on my leg (while avoiding crashing, of course).  If you were to witness this in the car, you might hear me counting out loud, things like "TRI-puh-let, tri-PUH-let, tri-puh-LET, tri-puh-let," or "1 e and UH, 2 e AND uh, 3 EE and uh," or even: "MO-ther DRIVES a BU-ick" and "MY FA-ther DRIVES a FORD."

(If you didn't follow any of the last paragraph, don't worry.  And I promise you, I'm not 100% crazy.)

The best thing is that while a lot of musicians don't spend enough time working on improving rhythm (including myself), hey, I've got 4 hours each week to kill!  Might as well do it then, while I can't practice my sax.  It's a slow process, but once again, week after week of this,I actually may get somewhere.

Oh, and just for the record, my parents share a Chrysler minivan.